首页> 外文OA文献 >Analisis Strategi Akuisisi PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental Terhadap Murphy Sabah Oil Co Ltd Di Malaysia Dalam Ekspansi Pasar Luar Negeri

Analisis Strategi Akuisisi PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental Terhadap Murphy Sabah Oil Co Ltd Di Malaysia Dalam Ekspansi Pasar Luar Negeri

机译:PT的收购策略分析。 Pertamina Trans Continental对马来西亚墨菲沙巴石油有限公司的海外市场拓展


This study aims to show that the decision of a company in expanding in overseas companies products by some one of the implemented strategy is to acquire over the company Murphy Sabah Oil Co Ltd by buying shares, important for the manager of PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental in the acquisition of Murphy Sabah Oil Co Ltd shares and factors influencing acquisition decision for PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental Company is a target company to achieve fund raising, with one of the management taking acquisition decisions to outside companies, management targets to increase the growth of the company, fast growth, good size, stock market and business diversification can widen the business through acquisition. The research type is descriptive research with qualitative approach. The focus of this research is how the acquisition strategy implemented by PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental when taking over Murphy Sabah Oil Co Ltd in Malaysia and the factors that influence PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental in expanding overseas while taking over Murphy Sabah Oil Co Ltd in Malaysia.
机译:这项研究旨在表明,公司通过某种已实施的战略来扩展海外公司产品的决定是通过购买股份来收购公司Murphy Sabah Oil Co Ltd,这对PT经理很重要。代表Pertamina Trans Kontinental收购Murphy Sabah Oil Co Ltd的股份以及影响PT收购决定的因素。 Pertamina Trans Kontinental Company是一家实现募资的目标公司,其中一位管理层对外部公司做出收购决定,而管理层目标是提高公司的成长,快速增长,良好的规模,股票市场和业务多元化可以扩大业务通过收购。研究类型是定性的描述性研究。这项研究的重点是PT如何实施收购策略。收购马来西亚Murphy Sabah Oil Co Ltd时的Pertamina Trans Kontinental及其影响PT的因素。 Pertamina Trans Kontinental在接管马来西亚墨菲沙巴石油有限公司的同时向海外扩张。



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